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Buttala Industrial Estate

Monaragala, Uva

Contact Information

+94 552 276 097

Request Information

Distance from Colombo
240 km
Year of Commencement
Extent of Land
03 A, 00 R, 00 P



Description Total No. of Plots No. of Units / Plots allocated No. of plots /Units Vacant No. of Industries
22 21 1 18
In Operation
Not in Operation
Industries Total No. of Plots New Allocation Closed Residential Plots / Units
6 8 3 5 13


    No. Name of Industry Category Link
    1 Shakya Industry Ayurvedic medicinal cushion pads
    2 Mrs. A.M. Sumanawathie Grinding mill
    3 Manju Enterprises Light engineering
    4 Savory Lanka Yoghurt and ice-cream
    5 Mr S.G.Dharmasiri Cinnamon & citronella oil
    6 Uwa Fruit cannaries Food
    7 Uva Bee Honey Industries Pvt Ltd Bee Honey
    8 Madara Printers Printing
    9 Mr. Ajith Premachandra Rice/ Spices Products
    10 Union Enterprises PVC Pipe & garden hose
    11 Venkadeshwara Trading (Pvt) Ltd Oil Refinery (Food)
    12 Subhash Bakery Food-based products
    13 ZENTRA MESH Polysacks, bags etc.
    14 Danny Exports Food based products

Location Map